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Note: sound quality on these three draft videos has not yet been edited, so you may need to adjust volume for easier listening.

The Singer: Wainsgate chapel and Wadsworth Moor, filmed by Jo Hellier, edited by Hannah Sullivan.

What is the experience of the singer? To hold and be held by the shape of the song, to sustain it.
What are the movement/feelings of the singing body? Do we enter a physical shape that is the song?

Singing by Hannah Sullivan of The Prickle Holly Bush.

As part of research residency supported by Wainsgate Dances and MGC futures bursary, in conversation with Katherine Hall, Simone Kenyon and Jo Hellier into song and singing, body, space and land.

The Listener: Wainsgate chapel and Wadsworth Moor, filmed by Jo Hellier, edited by Hannah Sullivan.

What is the experience of the listener? Dwelling in a voice, living in the atmosphere of the song.
Surrounded by a moving picture, being led by a melody that tells us something is wrong.

Singing by Jo Hellier of Anna Dixie.

As part of research residency supported by Wainsgate Dances and MGC futures bursary, in conversation with Katherine Hall, Simone Kenyon and Jo Hellier into song and singing, body, space and land.

Resonant Spaces: Wainsgate chapel and Wadsworth Moor, filmed by Jo Hellier, edited by Hannah Sullivan.

An exploration of the voice through internal and external resonant spaces; semi-circles and circles inside and outside of the body that carry, hold or create the voice, the song, the singing.

As part of research residency supported by Wainsgate Dances and MGC futures bursary, in conversation with Katherine Hall, Simone Kenyon and Jo Hellier into song and singing, body, space and land.

Stills from previous work with film, body and land in 2015.